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Water Witch

Water Witch - Deborah Leblanc Deborah Leblanc uses her unique talents and gothic Bayou style in creating a tale filled with terror and suspense. In Water Witch, the protagonist Dunny Pollock has a special talent, she has an extra digit, which allows her to find things. In the old days this was used for finding water, but Dunny can find other things such as people. Her sister Angelle enlists her help in finding two missing children who have been abducted by a man who is trying to invoke ancient Indian spirits in order to attain greater power for himself.

Deborah Leblanc has a creepy, smooth style which she uses expertly in this novel. The concept of the novel was cool, and her use of the Bayou and legends associated with it make this almost another character in the novel. The tension in the novel builds to a nice crescendo. Leblanc uses the time tested race against the clock to build that tension. Dunny has to act quickly and use all of her resources to save the children before they are sacrificed. Leblanc does a nice job with the characters. Her expert mastery of prose makes this an enjoyable read. A must read novel.

Carl Alves – author of Blood Street